Tonight Em and I are having a friend over for dinner. This friend, well her surname is Green so yesterday I made Jamie Oliver's Green Curry in her honour. I've made this several times and it's always a winner.
It's perfect on a on a warm night with beer. The method is simple: put all the greens in a blender - zap with some oil, lemon/lime juice until smooth(ish). Have a large pan or pot on the stove with some oil in it, cook thinly sliced pieces of chicken then add the coconut milk and curry paste. Cook for about 30mins and serve with rice and a sprinkle of pistachios. Yum.
Yes I'm work. Yes I'm glued to France24. Yes I think he can.
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Monday, November 03, 2008
This looks so good. Finally!!! Japanese goodness in English...although the Japanese craft book industry does such a great job pictorially, language isn't really a barrier. Zakka Sewing is by the talented Therese Laskey.
Nothing recharges my flagging city batteries quicker than a big view of water. I have different feelings towards different bodies of H2O. I don't really like Bays because they're too still and controlled. I don't mind Lakes but I find them a bit creepy, I love Coves and Inlets and the dark atmosphere a swamp can produce but I what I love the most is a wild sea. We spent this weekend with friends at Aireys Inlet and strangely enough, we didn't spend much time at the beach. We did, however, have a brilliant time catching up and helping a friend hatch a very exciting plan. We took Toby along to meet Sunny - a five month on Labrador cross. Very cute. I had such a good time. We managed to fit in a visit to the local fair so the weekend involved lots of eating local produce, local beer, homemade pizza and just soaking up some weak sunlight and sea air.